Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Walls!

I love decorating and making our home more cozy, welcoming, and nice to live in! However, as I see from perusing different home decorating magazines, it's often incredibly pricey.  And really, a lot of times, the pictures and ideas I see in those magazines are not at all practical for our home, don't fit into my decorating style at all!  I love finding ideas that look great, but don't cost a million bucks!  

I put this wreath together for under $7!  Under $6, actually, if you count that I already had the ivy garland I had from our wedding. :)  I saw a basket of these beautiful grape vine wreaths for just a few dollars at Michael's, and on a whim, I bought it.  I usually try not to buy things on whims, but I figured that $3.99 was a fairly cheap whim, so it was okay. :P  I brought it home, not exactly sure how I would "dress it up" but knowing definitely that I loved it!  After a few days, I remembered that I still have all the ivy garlands from our wedding, which were currently sitting, unused in a box.  I pulled two out, and wrapped them around the wreath, and voila!  I'm not a huge fan of silk flowers and big bows, so I was quite delighted to do something with the wreath that fit my style.  I love the way it looks in our hallway, the texture and color of it warm really warms up the wall!

After I hung the wreath, this wall was begging for something, so I finally hung this beautiful plaque up, and it compliments the wreath perfectly!  It was a graduation gift to me from some very dear friends, and it's the perfect finish to the hallway. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it it has a real rustic and natural look..Great job!
